With ESG becoming a top priority among asset owners, many organizations are scrambling to implement a plan to help curb emissions and satisfy investor relations.
Building owners have a variety of different opportunities to monetize their available roof space and use it to help meet various components of their ESG goals. New Jersey and New York are unique markets where building owners have multiple options. And owners of rooftops over 250,000 square feet can take advantage of two options on the same roof.
What are my options?
- Community Solar Rooftop Lease - Right now, your portfolio has millions of square feet that aren’t being monetized. Community solar leases provide an escalating revenue stream for your assets. As a host site for community solar, your company would be instrumental in delivering the savings benefits of solar to local residents.
- Onsite PPA – This agreement allows a company to purchase energy at a lower cost by installing solar and directly using its generation to offset electricity consumption. Owners benefit from predictable electricity costs, at a discount to what they pay their utility, and demonstrate a reduction in Scope 2 emissions for ESG goals.
- Hybrid approach – Install a solar system and use a percentage of the system to cover on-site energy usage, and a half to generate revenue. This route is a great option for large warehouse facilities where the electrical load is low relative to the large solar system size which could fit on the roof. Nexamp can size onsite projects to match that building's usage and utilize the remainder of the roof for a community solar project.