Father and Daughter

Support Your Community with Clean Energy Savings

We work with community organizations, community action agencies, affordable housing providers, and municipalities to welcome new subscribers into our Community Solar program.

Community Engagement Process

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Watch: Community Solar Story
Number one
Together, we create co-branded outreach materials. Postage and printing are on us.
Number two
You distribute the materials to your community without sharing personal information with us.
Number three
Nexamp follows up with interested households to nurture relationships and guide enrollment.
Our goal is to bolster your community in more ways than one.
15% discount on energy costs for your community
Local renewable power that reduces pollution, builds grid resilience, creates local jobs
Compensation for enrolled customers, providing you with an unrestricted revenue stream
MNo contracts
No exclusive contracts
Reimbursement for all direct expenses, such as postage and printing.
We’re always open to new ideas! Work with us to develop a tailored outreach plan for your community.

Our Partners

Community Action PartnershipEmbarras River Basin AgencyMarcfirstCity Of Rockford

Contact Us

Give us your questions, concerns, and business inquiries. We will get back to you as soon as we can.