For over a century, humanity has relied heavily on energy generated by fossil fuels, but the production and use of these resources continue to have significant negative health and environmental impacts.

Luckily, 93 million miles away burns nature’s most abundant source of energy and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

As a renewable resource, solar energy doesn't produce emissions that contribute to climate change. Instead, it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is critical to protecting humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. Other benefits include improving air quality, and even providing electricity for those who don't have access to it!

We all know the financial benefits when it comes to installing solar panels on your roof or subscribing to a community solar farm nearby, but what about the benefits it has on the environment? Here are four major benefits:

Solar Energy Reduces Greenhouse Gasses

The burning of coal, oil and natural gas has increased greenhouse gas emissions, causing a rise in global temperatures. The resulting issues, including accelerated sea level rise, and longer, more severe heat waves are all putting stress on ecosystems in ways that may not be reversible.

Public and private players are turning to solar energy generation, along with other renewables, as a way to reduce the burning of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions. The impact is potentially huge. We expect our 7.5 MW Nexamp solar farm in Newfield, NY to generate 9 million kWh of electricity in 2019 and offset 14,766,411 pounds of carbon that would be emitted by generating the same amount of electricity through fossil fuels.

Solar Energy Reduces Water Pollution

Solar panels don’t need a water source to operate unlike many fossil fuel plants that require water for production and cooling. In fact, coal-fired power plants account for 72% of all toxic water pollution in the United States, which is linked to fatal diseases like cancer in humans and animals.

With solar energy, there is no risk of pollution of local water resources which reduces the negative impacts of energy production on our health and our planet’s ecosystems.

Solar is a Good Land Use Choice for Reducing Emissions

When identifying locations for our Nexamp solar projects, we look for sites where it’s possible to interconnect to the utility grid while having minimal impact on the natural state of the land. Also, many landowners are turning to solar to help them offset their overhead, while preserving their land. Solar farming represents an opportunity for low-impact use that has a positive effect on climate change during the life of the solar project and can return the land to its natural state once the project has been decommissioned.

Solar is Efficient

Solar panel technology has been around for quite some time, dating back to the 1800’s and since then, its technology has evolved at a rapid pace. Solar panels can harness the sun’s energy even on overcast days by absorbing both direct and indirect sunlight.

Obviously, winter in the northeast is not ideal for sunlight – but it’s not as bad as you might think. Believe it or not, on cloudy days, solar panels will still collect energy from the sun. Yes, even on those gloomy days, light still filters down on panels. Cold temperatures can even improve the solar panels’ production, whereas higher temperatures can be hard on the electronic components.

At Nexamp, we believe in doing right by our customers and right by our planet. Whether you’re looking to do your part in making the planet a better place or you simply want to save money on your electric bill, Nexamp can help you! Visit our community solar page to find out if you are in an eligible location to subscribe to a local solar farm nearby.