In the age of climate change, being able to make a simple switch over to renewable energy is a way for people to push back against global warming. Luckily, today, there are many companies out there offering renewable energy programs to enroll in.

At Nexamp, we have a focused approach that prioritizes the communities where we build our projects and maximizes savings for our subscribers. Read on to learn more about the Nexamp approach.

You’ll Save On Your Annual Electricity Costs

Our community solar subscribers still maintain their relationship with their utility, but they receive credits on their bill from their share of the Nexamp solar farm. You can save up to 15% annually depending on the state where you live. And no long-term contracts. No upfront cost. No cancellation fees – ever.

We Own and Operate All of Our Projects

You could say we’re solar experts! At Nexamp, we own and operate all of our solar projects and manage every stage of the process from project development to design and construction, through financing, operations and maintenance. In other words, we’ll do all the work so that you can sit back and relax knowing that you’re saving on your electricity bill.

We’re Local

Our subscribers only receive shares of solar farms in their area, so you’ll never be enrolled in a project outside of your state or community. If you’re in an eligible location, we’ll subscribe you to a solar farm that’s generating clean, local energy right in your community. By subscribing to our farms, you’ll be supporting local jobs in your community, too!

At Nexamp, we’re building the future of clean energy so that it is clean, simple, and accessible to everyone. If you’re interested in learning more about our community solar program, visit our community solar page or give us a call at 855-727-4636 to talk to one of our knowledgeable team members!