Having recently joined Nexamp as the Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, I’m a relatively new member of the team. Part of my interview process included a meeting with Zaid Ashai, Nexamp’s Chairman and CEO. As a mother of a two-year-old, I asked Zaid about Nexamp’s commitment to a diverse workforce, including policies that support working parents. My former employer offered generous leave and other supportive benefits and I wanted to join a like-minded company.

It’s rare for a prospective employee to spend as much time with the CEO as I did that day, but it was the deciding factor in my decision to join Nexamp. Zaid and I discussed the importance of having women in leadership positions and how critical it is for companies to encourage men and women alike to grow their families while continuing their professional development. We spoke a great deal about Nexamp’s core values and company culture.

A lot of organizations talk about values and culture, but Nexamp does more than just talk. Our values are at the core of everything we do as a company, which is why it is not surprising that Nexamp recently announced a 12 week fully-paid parental leave policy to primary caregivers, something that’s rare for a company of Nexamp’s size and age.

It’s difficult to believe that paid family leave is still a privilege for the majority of US workers. Women make up nearly 50% of the US workforce, yet this benefit is reserved for the minority of employees fortunate enough to work for companies that voluntarily offer it. Without state or federal programs providing some form of income replacement, most new parents must decide between taking time off to bond with and care for their new baby and keeping food on the table. Nexamp and other like-minded companies have recognized that one great way to ensure a competitive and productive workforce is to offer a benefits program that recognizes the realities of 2018.

The decision to grow one’s family is daunting at any time in one’s life. I was a mess after my son was born; I can’t imagine how I would have felt knowing every day I spent with him was a day without pay. I am proud to work for a company that is investing in my future through policies that encourage my growth, both professionally and personally. This policy is further proof that companies like Nexamp can do well and still do good by their employees. I challenge all companies to think about the values and culture their policies reflect and ask themselves: can we do better?