November – the month of transition and reflection. Days are becoming shorter; the air is getting crisper and we reflect on what we are grateful and thankful for.

At Nexamp, we’re thankful to be part of the solar energy industry, a movement that is working to take better care of the planet. Here are a few of the many reasons to be thankful for community solar:

1. Supporting Clean Energy

When you tap into a Nexamp community solar farm, you’re supporting the transition to clean energy generation in your state. And the impact is potentially huge! In fact, we expect our 7.4 MW Nexamp solar farm in Newfield, NY to generate 9 million kWh of electricity in 2019 and offset 14,766,411 pounds of carbon that would be emitted by generating the same amount of electricity through fossil fuels. And that’s nothing to sniff at!

2. Renewable Job Growth

The solar industry is rapidly growing and helping create jobs all over the country. According to the Solar Foundation, solar employment increased 70% overall from 2013 – 2018, adding 100,000 jobs that are providing clean, affordable, renewable energy to all 50 states. The industry is expected to continue growing. By tapping into a Nexamp community solar farm, you’re supporting local job creation in the renewables space in your state.

3. The Savings

‘Tis the season…for rising credit card bills and high energy usage! Whether you’re cooking up this years’ Thanksgiving feast or hitting the lines early for Black Friday deals, you might find yourself looking for creative ways to save money. Luckily, there is community solar. The amount of savings on solar energy depends on your region and how much energy you consume, but one thing is certain…the savings! Our community solar customers still maintain their relationship with their utility but receive credits on their bill from their share of the solar farm. You can save up to 15% annually.

4. A Flexible Contract

Gone are the days of being locked into a 25-year contract! At Nexamp, we believe in doing right by the planet and right by our customers. That’s why we’ll never lock you into a contract, never charge you any upfront costs, and never charge you if you choose to walk away at any time.

Gratitude, like solar, is a renewable energy that gives us power and is infectious! If you’re not currently subscribed to a Nexamp community solar farm, hopefully these 4 reasons will help you consider tapping into one.