Collective efforts to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus means many of our lives right now are probably much more home-based than usual. And as a result, we’re all probably using more energy than we typically would.

We know you might feel a little overwhelmed with all the adjustments that this situation presents. Believe us, we feel it, too. To help, we’ve selected four easy tips to help keep your energy bills at bay:

Harness the Power of the Sun

The production of electricity is one of the largest contributors of pollution in the U.S., which produces harmful greenhouse gasses into Earth’s atmosphere. And at a time when you’re probably using more electricity than usual, every bit of natural light can help.

Before your workday starts, try setting yourself up for success in a nice sunny spot at home. Not only is natural lighting an effective method of cutting electricity costs, but it also helps boost overall productivity. In fact, studies have shown that pulling the curtains and opening a window to catch a breeze helps boost one’s energy.

Unplug. Unplug. Unplug.

Vampire power, also known as “standby power”, refers to the energy consumed by devices and appliances that remain plugged into an outlet when they are not in use or when they are in “power off mode”. Your home office devices like your computer, your monitor, chargers and basically anything that remains plugged into an outlet is still pulling electricity out. Unplug any and all devices when you’re done with your workday!

Be Smart with Your Thermostat

Home heating and cooling are one of the biggest culprits behind a higher utility bill. With spring weather on its way, temperatures can be unpredictable in some parts of the country, especially in the northeast. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save 1% on heating bills for each 1°F you set back during an eight-hour period. However, keep in mind your comfort with temperatures set low or high. While working from home during cooler months, try lowering the temperature just a little, and during warmer months, try raising the temperature a little. With temperature fluctuation, you can benefit from using a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats learn your heating and cooling patterns and adjusts the temperature accordingly.

Subscribe to a Nexamp Community Solar Farm

With so much turmoil, a high utility bill is that last thing you should be worried about. Consider tapping into one of our local community solar farms. Our subscribers receive credits on their bill that are directly linked to the production of our farms, saving them up to 12%* on their electricity cost. And it doesn’t matter if you rent or own apartment. Anyone can sign up.

At Nexamp, we believe in doing right by our environment and right by our subscribers. We’ll never lock you into an annual contract, never charge you any upfront costs, and never charge you if you choose to walk away at any time. Although our everyday might look a little different than it did a few weeks ago, we want you to know that we’re here for you and here with you.