There is no doubt that the start of 2020 has been unnerving. From the fires in Australia to the fear for our health and the health of our loved ones during a global pandemic, it can be hard to keep any positive momentum flowing.

As the whole world takes a collective breath and settles into the quietude of self-isolation, positive headlines are popping up on the environmental effects of COVID-19. While the current situation is extreme, it’s clear to see that a “new normal” with fewer cars and more green energy can have a big impact on our planet’s wellbeing. The world’s nearly singular focus is on COVID-19, but during the month of April, also known as Earth Month, we can plan for a post-COVID climate focus.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the theme is climate action. While celebrating it may be a little different, there are still plenty of ways to take action right from your home. Here’s how you can contribute:

Plant a Pollinator Garden

Now is a great time to explore planting a garden! After all, how often are we forced into stillness? Welcome the spring season by planting pollinator friendly native species, vegetables, herbs and fruits! Did you know 75% of the world’s flowing plants and 35% of the word’s food crops depend on pollinators species? The integration of pollinator-friendly habitats in your garden is an opportunity to help create an environment for our hard-working friends – bees, birds and other pollinator species!

Go Paperless

Paper has a way of piling up, and during this health emergency, companies are now asking their customers to pay their bills online or sign up for auto payment services to help reduce risks of spreading COVID-19. Reduce or eliminate your use of paper by opting in to receive digital billing.

If you’re a Nexamp subscriber, you can pay your bill online through our online portal. If you don’t have an account yet, sign up here.

Meatless Monday Challenge

Stay with us! We’re not saying to drop meat completely, but if you’re looking for ways to leave less of a carbon footprint on this Earth and looking for an opportunity to try new foods, consider going meatless on Mondays. Skipping meat and cheese just for one day is the equivalent of taking your car off the road for nearly 3 months.


Organic materials, such as food waste and yard waste, accounts for a significant portion of what people throw away. When food and yard waste decompose in landfills, methane gas is released. Try eating your leftovers or composting if you need to throw away food. At Nexamp, we’re turning our scraps and compostable item into compost with help from Bootstrap Compost. As a residential and commercial food scrap pickup service, Bootstrap Compost also partners with local farm and reuses organic materials for crop production. Joining a composting service is a great way to reduce food waste!

Virtually Tap into Community Solar

Did you know that solar power in the U.S offsets over 70 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year? Tapping into renewable energy projects like community solar is a great way to support clean energy and help mitigate the effects of climate change. And at Nexamp, we make the process easy. Our existing customers know that they are a part of this important renewal, for both our grid and our Earth.

Happy Earth Month, everyone!