Telegram News: “Wind power not just lots of hot air” June 27, 2009. Phillipston, MA – Before heading out into the soft rain to mark with a ribbon cutting the installation of his farm’s 15 kW Proven Energy wind turbine, Al Rose said he started planning for this when he took over his family’s apple farm in 2001. “Then Phil Stevens and I went to a meeting in Rutland, he said.
Both Mr. Rose and Mr. Stevens, an owner of the Carter-Stevens Farm in Barre, were told they should consider wind power because of the elevation on their farms. Both Mr. Rose’s farm on Highland Avenue in Phillipston and the Carter-Stevens Farm have elevations well above 1,000 feet. “It made sense on many levels,” Mr. Rose said.
Both turbines were installed by Nexamp, a company founded in 2007 to install wind and solar powered projects. Will Thompson, one of the companies owners, said the company has installed four wind projects this year. Link to Article