Optimize Your Organization With Clean Energy

Simplify energy savings & streamline environmental objectives with Nexamp's end-to-end service offerings.

How Does It Work?

Watch: The Solar Story
Your organization subscribes to a Nexamp community solar farm
Earn utility bill credits once the farm is built & connected to the grid​
Pay Nexamp for these utility bill credits at a discount​
Your organization saves annually on electricity costs

How Crediting Works

For now, you will receive two bills: one from your energy provider and one from Nexamp. Community Solar Credits are applied to your utility bill. Credits will vary seasonally, but your allocation is sized to meet nearly all of your annual needs.

Billing Example
Your organization’s electricity bill was $150.
Its share of the solar farm generated $100 in credits, which reduced the bill to $50.
You pay the remaining $50 balance to your electricity provider.
Nexamp invoices you separately for the $100 worth of credits at a 10% discount. So, you only pay $90 and save $10 in total.

Choose which invoice setup will work best for your business:

Nexamp Invoicing
Individual bills for each location
Consolidated bill for all locations


Contact Us

Email: support@nexamp.com or call: 855.727.4636

Monday — Friday: 8:30am — 6pm EST